Call for sites Sevenoaks District Council


Articles , News

Sevenoaks District Council have launched a call for sites and are inviting local residents, landowners, developers, businesses and other interested parties to submit their sites for potential future housing development.

This call follows the review of the emerging Local Plan to take into account new government guidance on updated local housing needs, the challenges of climate change and changes due to Covid-19.

The two part process is open now for sites that are located within existing settlements and not in the Green Belt.

The second stage opens on 25 November 2021 and includes the submission of sites located in the Green Belt.

Sites which have been previously submitted as part of the 2015-18 call for sites, the Core Strategy 2011, or the Allocations and Development Management Plan 2015 will also need to be resubmitted again using the new form

The closing date for all submissions is 5pm on 20 January 2022.

Harry Kenton at BTF Partnership comments: “It is important that all landowners who have previously submitted sites resubmit them as well as anyone proposing a new site. This is a good opportunity for all landowners in the area to review their holdings and to put forward sites that previously might not have been considered. We are happy to discuss the suitability of sites as well as other options which might be available”.

Harry Kenton can be contacted via the below contact details.