Joint initiative launched to help landowners and farmers prepare for and navigate new Natural Capital Opportunities



BTF Partnership and Kent Wildlife Trust Consultancy Services are working on a joint initiative to prepare landowners and farmers in the South East, by providing sufficient information to understand the value of the natural assets their land offers and the potential added value through Natural Capital and Nature Based Solutions. Together they have launched a new work collaboration detailed in a joint guide – Natural Capital Natural Solutions available here or below.

The guide has been published in response to the Government’s changes to agricultural subsidies and the 25-year environment plan. Full details of the Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMS) are yet to be announced but alongside ELMS, land could benefit from further payments related to Carbon Capture and Nutrient Neutrality or Bio-Diversity Net Gain. In addition, farms in areas prone to flooding could be compensated for utilising land to assist with natural flood management.

In order to understand the value and range of opportunities on clients’ farms, Kent Wildlife Trust Consultancy Services will undertake a baseline Natural Capital Audit and BTF Partnership then provide advice on the appropriate strategy for individual farms.

The objective of this joint initiative is to provide the farmer and landowner with sufficient information to understand the income opportunity in:-

  • maintaining farm species richness
  • enhancing and improving habitat connectivity diversify and connect habitats
  • understanding opportunities and constraints of agri-environment schemes
  • evaluating public money for public goods opportunities and constraints on individual farms
  • seeking to identify other opportunities arising from the Natural Capital of the farm or estate


Vincent Ganley at KWT comments: “Based on map-based analysis of whole farm habitats and field survey using farm environment plan methodology, we will jointly provide condition assessments and recommendations (as informed by survey) as to possible biodiversity enhancements and management options. Once completed we will then evaluate against existing and potential agri-environment schemes to discuss further opportunities for habitat maintenance and creation. The required assessment will use published metrics and calculations to determine a property’s Natural Capital. Every farm will be different”.

Mike Bax at BTF comments: “A summary outline of results along with recommendations will identify potential income from relevant Natural Capital Assets. Importantly, we will present a document with essential bespoke discussion, tailored presentation of results and individual reporting. This requires careful preparation, planning and evidence gathering and we are here to ensure farmers and landowners get to grips with the new system as quickly and effectively as possible.”