The rarest of opportunities to purchase a residential development plot on the eastern outskirts of the village Leigh with planning permission for a single dwelling of 2,825ft² with landscaped gardens, grounds and pond.
The Land at Powder Mill Lane provides the rarest of opportunities to purchase a highly desirable rural yet accessible building plot with a contemporary design and layout already approved under planning reference 23/00738/FUL – Sevenoaks District Council. The approved consent grants permission for the erection of a detached four-bedroom dwelling, together with access, parking and landscaped gardens to include a new pond. The site in its entirety extends to 0.62 acres and is outlined in red on the Boundary Plan overleaf. The Consented Floor Plans and Elevations for the consented dwelling are overleaf with approved accommodation extending to 2,825ft²
PLEASE NOTE: The areas hatched in red on the proposed Ground Floor Plans overleaf are the areas of potential gain which would increase the floor area closer to 3,000ft². The vendor has also undertaken further plans to incorporate a fifth bedroom into the first floor and it is our understanding this would not compromise the consent as the windows are not altered. These drafted plans are available from the selling agents on request.
Outside there will be a landscaped and gravelled Entrance Driveway & Parking Area along with landscaped Gardens and Grounds and a new Pond all consented as part of the approved scheme. A landscaping plan can be found overleaf for further information or is available from the selling agents on request.
Under Offer
Offers In Excess Of £725,000
2825 square feet
0.62 acres
4 bedrooms
The rarest of opportunities to purchase a residential development plot on the eastern outskirts of the village Leigh with planning permission for a single dwelling of 2,825ft² with landscaped gardens, grounds and pond.