St Michaels, Tenterden

Haffenden Farm is located within the Ashford Local Planning Authority within the County of Kent and offers a comprehensive solution to Biodiversity Net Gain requirements for developers and infrastructure providers undertaking projects in Kent and further afield.
A detailed NBS study has been carried out by KWT Consultancy Services (Part of the Kent Wildlife Trust Group) and Haffenden Farm is perfectly placed to offer habitat enhancement and creation of a wide variety of habitats to suit BNG requirements. The LPA statutory minimum requirement is 10% BNG in Ashford.

Approximately 147 Biodiversity Net Gain Credits are available for purchase for habitat creation and enhancements within Ashford Borough Council LPA, Kent.

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For Sale

Approximately 147 Biodiversity Net Gain Credits are available for purchase for habitat creation and enhancements within Ashford Borough Council LPA, Kent.

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