ArticlesBTF Partnership urges farmers and landowners on the Hoo Peninsular to consider whether their land might be affected by the major infrastructure and development proposals which will be needed to enable Medway Council’s vision for Hoo St Werburgh to become a major town by 2037.
The consultation document published by Medway Council sets out in detail plans for new housing, transport hubs, neighbourhood centres, employment areas and green spaces and there will be considerable infrastructure changes needed to enable the plans to go ahead.
In due course compulsory purchase powers maybe sought in order to press on with the infrastructure projects and it’s a complex area where advice should be taken. In addition, whereas large scale development of areas may not be welcome, these can give rise to opportunities, whether that be development of land for housing or commercial use, diversification to aid farming incomes or even ‘spin-offs’ such as providing land for environmental purposes, which is referred to as Biodiversity Net Gain.
“It is really important that farmers and property owners understand and engage early on in the process to understand how their property might be affected. Whilst their land might not be built upon, it may well be needed for plans to upgrade the rail and road infrastructure in the area. We are already seeing the early signs of access requirements for ecology surveys, from Ratcliffe Highway through to Higham, as Medway’s plans, on the success of their Housing and Infrastructure Fund bid from Central Government, comes into play. Whilst it is early days, it is important to know your rights from the outset and ensure that you are in the best position to not only protect your assets and business, but also to maximise any opportunities that may arise.”
“There are so many issues to think about I would urge all farmers and property owners in the area to get in touch for an initial chat to discuss how they might be affected and where possible how they can benefit or call 07900 250433.”
“Medway is committed to delivering this major development for the Hoo Peninsular having suffered from the loss of the area known as Lodge Hill, to meet their housing land supply, where the nightingales stopped their plans. Therefore, it is not a case of if but when it happens and therefore all farmers and landowners should be aware of how they will be impacted and/or the opportunities for new revenue which this may present.”
Details of the vision document can be found at
Tom French’s 30 years-experience in compensation projects includes acting for land and business owners on a number of large infrastructure schemes including a significant proportion of those affected by HS1, a consultant to the NFU on HS2, the A21 dualling, A2/M2 widening scheme, the A2/A282 Dartford improvement, A289 Wainscott bypass, and the new Lower Thames Crossing representing landowners on both the Kent and Essex side. Tom also heads up the housing and commercial development department of BTF, negotiating option and promotion agreements through to the marketing of sites with successful planning consents.