Dalham Farm Barn, Cooling Road, High Halstow, Kent ME3

Dalham Farm Barn is situated off Cooling Road, just on the western edge of High Halstow village on the Hoo Peninsular. High Halstow village provides a primary school, a church, a pub, and a village store and is situated less than half a mile east of the Barn and six miles from Rochester.

Dalham Farm Barn is located to the north of Cooling Road and is available with approximately 1.78 acres of land. It has a hardstanding parking area to the front, providing access directly off the public highway. The building comprises a redundant former livestock building constructed in the 1940s of steel portal frame construction with concrete block walls with some windows on the lower elevations, with upper elevations clad in corrugated fibre cement sheeting, under a pitched corrugated fibre cement roof. Internally, Dalham Farm Barn extends to approximately 294m² (2,691ft²) and is in poor order throughout, deteriorating since having become disused in the 1960s when the farm stopped rearing cattle. Prior approval has been granted for conversion and change of use of the building to form a four-bedroom detached residential dwelling under Planning Reference MC/22/0065. Copies of the approved plans and elevations along with further copies of the planning documentation are available from the Medway Council Planning Portal or from the selling agents on request. Whilst the building is not currently connected to services, electricity and water services are available close by.

The Barn is being sold with adjacent land that extends to approximately 1.78 acres. The land is situated to the northwest of the Barn and is currently sown with grass. The land is classified as Grade 1 on the Land Classification Plan for England and Wales with soil types predominantly defined by the Soilscapes Map as “freely draining, slightly acid loamy soils”. The soil type is typically associated with this area of North Kent and is suited to a variety of different farming enterprises including cereal production, short term grassland, and high value crop production. The Purchaser will be required to erect a fence along the boundary of the Property between points A and B within six months of Completion. Specification of the fence is to be approved by the Vendor acting reasonably. The Purchaser will be responsible for ongoing maintenance of this fence and will also be required to erect a post and two-rail fence along the boundary between points B and C within six months of Completion. There is a private water supply that runs from a mains water supply which runs along parallel to Cooling Road and the Purchaser will have a right to connect into this supply subject to crossing the Cooling Road. All connections will be at the Purchaser’s cost and will have a requirement for making good.

Please see the Property Particulars for further information on services, boundaries, tenure, viewing arrangements, consented elevations, consented floor plans, maps & plans, etc.

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Asking Price £450,000

1.85 acres

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01233 740077