Travis Perkins, Marshwood Close, Canterbury

The property comprises a modern single storey warehouse of steel frame construction having an eaves height of around 6.8m (22’3”). It has brick and profile steel sheet elevations with a pitched roof having insulated profile sheeting with translucent panels.

The building has a power floated concrete floor, 7 full height loading doors and a showroom, office and staff area at one end of the building with a steel mezzanine floor over part.

Externally the property has a large surfaced gated and fenced yard having an area of around 0.401 hectares (0.99 acres) which provides customer and staff parking and external storage/display of materials.

The property is let to Travis Perkins Trading Company Limited on a Full Repairing & Insuring Lease for 10 years from 20 September 2017. The lease contains a tenant only option to break and an upwards only rent review at September 2022 (neither of which have been implemented).

Travis Perkins Trading Company Limited (no. 00733503) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Travis Perkins plc.

The freehold interest in the property is offered for sale on an unconditional basis subject to the existing tenancy.

Please see brochure for full details.

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Offers In Excess Of £1,650,000

14137 square feet

0.99 acres

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01227 763663